Monday, October 18, 2004

Not even close

Hugh's symposium question this week:

"Vox Blogoli IV: Why vote for Bush, and what's wrong with Kerry?"

I'm pro-Bush because:

1) He'll do a better job of making terror attacks on the USA less likely in the short term, because he gets it, because he puts it before his poll numbers, and because he sincerely seeks God's help.

2) He'll do a better job of continuing processes he's already begun (that Kerry doesn't even understand) to reduce long term risks of Islamic extremism, by attacking the very roots of it with "liberty-imperialism."

3) On the domestic front, reducing taxes, judicial activism and the school dropout rate are all good things.

I'm anti-Kerry because:

1) He doesn't get it in the war with Islamic extremism.

2) He apparently does very little without calculating personal benefit in the polls. He'll say anything to get elected. He seems to have no long-term plan to reduce the danger.... except to recycle old plans that have already failed.

3) He is for more taxes, more judical activism, and maintenance of the status quo in education.... all recipes for disaster, short and long term.

Some of it boils down to this: I trust George Bush to do his very best, even when he is at political risk, and to learn on the job. John Kerry has already proved that he doesn't learn on the job, and will do exactly what he thinks is indicated for his short-term political benefit.


MC Harv said...

Yeah, fuck the seperation of church and state. That bit of the constitution shouldn't apply to the one chosen by God to run America. And Bush says "freedom" way more than Kerry does. Kerry doesn't "get it"; he's certainly never seen the kind of war time Bush has. Bush is like Rambo, man. Freedom.

HarmonicMiner said...

Ah, Jack shows his intelligence and wit. His mastery of language. His graceful application of satire.

Or, perhaps, just his inability to distinguish between the separation of church and state in the constitution (a canard in any case) and the separation of God and character in a person (an impossibility).